招标网 > 展会中心 > 展会新闻 > 新会来袭 | “2025第四届东盟轨道交通国际峰会/The 4th ASEAN Rail Summit 2025”与您相约马来西亚·吉隆坡

新会来袭 | “2025第四届东盟轨道交通国际峰会/The 4th ASEAN Rail Summit 2025”与您相约马来西亚·吉隆坡




In recent years, the ASEAN economies have achieved steady growth, demonstrating remarkable resilience and growth potential. The Asian Development Bank forecasts a 5% growth for the ASEAN economy in 2024, and estimates that infrastructure investments in Southeast Asia will reach US$3.147 trillion by 2030. Multinational corporations continue to expand their investments in ASEAN countries, with foreign direct investment (FDI) showing rapid growth momentum. The "Belt and Road" Initiative has essentially achieved strategic alignment with ASEAN countries, fostering multi-tiered intergovernmental exchange mechanisms. ASEAN member states have increased cooperation in infrastructure connectivity projects, with flagship infrastructure projects such as the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway, the China-Laos Railway, and the China-Thailand Railway successfully implemented. According to statistics, the total mileage of railway projects under construction and planned in the region exceeds 40,000 kilometers in 2024. The development of the "Trans-Asian Railway Network" has strengthened exchanges between ASEAN and neighboring countries, prompting ASEAN nations to actively seek international cooperation in rail transportation markets, capital, and technology.


Malaysia, the third-largest economy in Southeast Asia, boasts significant economic attractiveness. With an economic growth rate of 3.7% in 2023, 2024 is poised to be Malaysia's "take-off year" for medium- to long-term economic transformation, with a projected growth rate of 4.4%. The Malaysian government is vigorously advancing transportation infrastructure projects, thereby unleashing demand for rail transit equipment applications and project investment and financing, painting a promising outlook for the rail transit market.


Against this backdrop, the 4th ASEAN Rail Summit, themed "Global Tech Fusion, Rail Connects Nations," will grandly convene in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in January 9th- 10th 2025. Over 300 industry experts and decision-makers from railway government agencies, engineering planning, design, construction, and contracting units, owner enterprises, rolling stock, communication and signaling, electromechanical security equipment suppliers, investment and financing institutions, law firms, and consulting companies worldwide will gather to discuss opportunities for ASEAN's rail transit industry development, standardization, investment and financing prospects, construction projects, operation, and maintenance, jointly advancing the industry's construction and development in ASEAN.


【组委会(拟)/Organizational Structure(draft)】

[指导单位/Guided by]

国际铁路联盟 International Union of Railways

马来西亚交通部 Ministry of Transport Malaysia

马来西亚铁路工业协会 Malaysian Railway Industry Corporation

[主办单位/Organized by]

马来西亚陆路交通管理局 Agensi Pengangkutan Awam Darat

马来西亚铁路衔接公司 Malaysian Railway Link Sdn Bhd

马来西亚高铁公司 MyHSR Corporation Sdn Bhd

印尼中国高铁有限公司 PT Kereta Cetakap Indonesia China

印尼铁路公司 PT Kereta Api Indonesia

新加坡地铁公司 SMRT Trains Ltd

新加坡捷运 SBS Transit

香港铁路有限公司 Mass Transit Railway

泰国国家铁路公司 State Railway of Thailand

老挝国家铁路公司 Lao National Railways

雅加达地铁公司 PT. MRT Jakarta

缅甸铁道部 Myanma Railways

越南铁路运输股份公司 Vietnam Railway Corporation

柬埔寨国家铁路公司Cambodia Railways

上海士研管理咨询有限公司Shine Consultant International

[支持单位/Supported and endorsed by]

新加坡陆路交通管理局 Land Transport Authority

菲律宾交通部 Department of Transportation Philippines

菲律宾国家铁路局 Philippine National Railways

菲律宾轻轨交通运输管理局 Light Rail Transit Authority Philippines

越南交通运输部 Ministry of Transport Vietnam

印尼交通部 Ministry of Transportation Indonesia

印度铁道部 Ministry of Railways, India

中国中车集团有限公司 CRRC Corporation Limited(China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation)

中国建筑集团有限公司 China State Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd.(CSCEC)

中国铁路工程集团有限公司 China Railway Engineering Group Co., Ltd.


东日本旅客铁道株式会社 East Japan Railway Company

国际隧道与地下空间协会 International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association

印度尼西亚交通协会 Indonesian Transportation Association

【会议框架及热点议题/Agenda Overview】

Session 1:


Development of ASEAN Rail Market under Globalization

Session 2:


Digital Technology Driving the Construction of Rail Transit Projects

Session 3:


Cross-border Project Planning, Standardization as the Foundation, Investment

& Financing Opportunities Expansion

Session 4:


Digitalization Empowers Intelligent Operations and Efficient Maintenance

l  互联互通——全球轨道交通市场状况及发展前景

Interconnection and Interoperability: Global Rail Transit Market Status and Development Prospects

l  东盟轨交标准化建设探索与实践

Exploration and Practice of ASEAN Rail Transit Standardization Construction

l  马来西亚轨交网络深度剖析:项目布局与未来增长

In-Depth Analysis of Malaysia's Rail Transit Network: Project Layout and Future Growth

l  中老铁路:强化中南半岛交通互联互通的战略纽带

China-Laos Railway: A Strategic Link Strengthening Transportation Interconnection and Interoperability in the Indochina Peninsula

l  印尼铁路及城市轨道交通市场展望

Outlook on Indonesia's Railway and Urban Rail Transit Market

l  圆桌讨论:深化东盟标准化合作:全球视野下的互联互通策略

Panel Discussion: Deepening ASEAN Standardization Cooperation: Interconnection and

Interoperability Strategies from a Global Perspective

l  数字化技术在轨道交通工程质量与安全控制中的应用

Application of Digital Technologies in Quality and Safety Control of Rail Transit Engineering

l  智轨走向海外——马来西亚智轨介绍

Smart Rails Going Global: Introduction to Malaysia's Smart Rail System

l  BIM 与物联网 (IoT) 技术在轨道交通中的集成应用

Integrated Application of BIM and Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies in Rail Transit

l  泛亚铁路倡议下的数字化轨交建设

Digital Railway Construction under the Pan-Asia Railway Initiative

l  如何推动轨道交通智能化、信息化未来发展建设?

How to Drive the Future Development and Construction of Smart and Information-Based Rail Transit?

l  数智化时代下,东盟轨道交通可持续发展的双轮驱动

Panel Discussion: Dual-Wheel Drive for the Sustainable Development of ASEAN Rail Transit in the Era of Digitalization and Intelligence

l  颁奖典礼 -2024 东盟轨道交通推荐供应商

Awards Ceremony - Recognizing the Recommended Suppliers of 2025 ASEAN Rail Summit

l  轨道交通项目的资金难题与解决方案

Financial Challenges and Solutions for Rail Transit Projects

l  马新高铁的“重启之路”

The "Road to Revival" for the Malaysia-Singapore High-Speed Rail (HSR)

l  中泰铁路合作:东盟视角的‘一带一路’

China-Thailand Railway Cooperation: The 'Belt and Road' Initiative from an ASEAN Perspective

l  日本铁路的未来展望:技术创新与可持续发展

Future Outlook of Japan's Railway: Technological Innovation and Sustainable Development

l  雅万高铁的 PPP 模式助力中越铁路

The PPP Model of the Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Rail Supporting China-Vietnam Railway Projects

l  圆桌讨论:东盟轨交新蓝图:规划协同、标准统一与投融资创新

Panel Discussion: ASEAN Rail Transit's New Blueprint: Planning Coordination, Standardization, and Investment & Financing Innovation

l  从“无人驾驶”到“智能运维”:东盟轨道交通的智能化实践

From "Driverless Operation" to "Intelligent Maintenance": The Intelligent Practice of ASEAN Rail Trans

l  轨道交通智慧运营系统的构建与实践

Construction and Practice of Smart Operation Systems for Rail Transit

l  重塑铁路票务未来图景:刷脸支付技术的革新

Reshaping the Future of Railway Ticketing: The Innovation of Face Recognition Payment Technology

l  高效维保的数字化转型之路:从预测到预防的跨越

The Digital Transformation Path for Efficient Maintenance: From Prediction to Prevention

l  构筑高效智能的铁路信号系统维保体系

Building an Efficient and Intelligent Maintenance System for Railway Systems




19 keynote speeches given by global inspirational speakers, to share advanced digital technology and smart operation experience

开放式圆桌 Roundtable Discussion


Gathering wisdom from all parties to discuss funding challenges and development strategies in rail transit projects.

展览展示 Standard exhibition booths


10 standard exhibition booths to see the cutting-edge rail solutions and personalized displays of rail transit technology achievements and professional services.

一对一商务会见 One-to-One Meeting


Offline one-on-one business meeting, to discover and meet your target customer, to make a deal over the handshake.

东盟轨交头部企业合作机遇探索 Development and Opportunities


Gain insights into the development plans for rail transit projects in ASEAN countries and regions such as Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Philippines,and explore future opportunities for international cooperation!

【部分确认发言嘉宾/Other part of Confirmed Speakers】


l  新加坡地铁副主席/SMRT, Vice President——Anson Lim

l  马来西亚铁路工业协会主席/Malaysian Railway Industry Corporation (MARIC), President——Dr Mohd Yusoff Sulaiman

l  台湾车载资通讯产业协会主席/Smart Rail Committee,Taiwan Telematics Industry Association (TTIA), Chairman——Cheng-Chiou Chang

l  印度铁道部首席项目官/Ministry of Railways, India, Chief Project Manager——Gaurav Agarwal

l  缅甸铁道部总经理/Myanma Railways, General Manager——Nyi Nyi Swe

l  国际铁路联盟亚洲代表/International Union of Railways (UIC), ASEAN Representative——Milko-Pierre Papazoff

l  柬埔寨铁路首席执行官/Cambodia Royal Railway, Chief Executive Officer——John Guiry

l  雅加达地铁总裁董事/PT. MRT Jakarta, President Director——Tuhiyat

l  泰国大众捷运管理局票务媒介业务部部长/Mass rapid transit Authority of Thailand (MRTA), Director of Fare Media Business Department——Somprasong Suttayamully


【本次峰会奖项评选/ Supplier Award of the Summit】


ASEAN Rail Industry Recommended Supplier Award

2025 东盟轨道交通国际峰会推荐

杰出数字化企业 / 品牌奖

2025 ASEAN Rail Industry Recommended

Outstanding Digital Award

2025 东盟轨道交通国际峰会

推荐电梯设备推荐企业 / 品牌奖

2025 ASEAN Rail Industry Recommended

Escalator Award

2025 东盟轨道交通国际峰会推荐

智慧电能企业 / 品牌奖

2025 ASEAN Rail Industry Recommended

Intelligent Energy Award

2025 东盟轨道交通国际峰会推荐

工业网络安全企业 / 品牌奖

2025 ASEAN Rail Industry Recommended

Industry Network Security Award

2025 东盟轨道交通国际峰会推荐

通信信号系统企业 / 品牌奖

2025 ASEAN Rail Industry Recommended

Signaling & Communication Award

2025 东盟轨道交通国际峰会推荐

安全监控识别企业 / 品牌奖

2025 ASEAN Rail Industry Recommended

Security Monitoring Award

2025 东盟轨道交通国际峰会推荐

站台门系统企业 / 品牌奖

2025 ASEAN Rail Industry Recommended

Platform Screen Door Award

2025 东盟轨道交通国际峰会推荐

自动售检票系统企业 / 品牌奖

2025 ASEAN Rail Industry Recommended

Intelligent AFC System Award

2025 东盟轨道交通国际峰会推荐

智能维保系统企业 / 品牌奖

2025 ASEAN Rail Industry Recommended

Intelligent Maintenance Award

2025 东盟轨道交通国际峰会推荐

绿色节能材料企业 / 品牌奖

2025 ASEAN Rail Industry Recommended

Green & Energy Saving Award


Welcome all suppliers to participate in the award selection!

【会议官网/Summit’s Website】

CN:  http://www.shine-consultant.com/prod_view.aspx?TypeId=27&Id=425&FId=t3:27:3



【Speak/Register/Media cooperation/Sponsorship cooperation】

Ona Wen/温女士

T:(+86 21)6095 7202


E-mail: ona.wen@shine-consultant.com




